Saturday, September 19, 2015

So many inspiring people on the NET

Welcome to theWatchFilter

You all must agree to this. There are so many inspiring people on the NET. You mustn't say no. In this blog I am going to give many shout-outs to many different people - for their inspiring DIYs and videos which tend to make people happy.

Let's go

1st Shout-Out

The first one obviously goes to the vlogger of the year Zoella. Zoella is a 25 year old vlogger + author + beauty critic. She has written the best selling novel of all time Girl Online. And on the 20th October 2015, I am going to have her new book in my hands, Girl Online on tour. Lets give a shout-out for Zoe Sugg (Zoella)

2nd Shout-Out

My second shout out goes to Pointless Blog. Alfie Deyes, is an internet sensataion with his vlogging channel Pointless Blog. He wrote two books. They are called Pointless Book and Pointless Book 2. His videos are day in life and challenges. Lets give a shout-out to Alfie Deyes (Pointless Blog).



3rd Shout-Out

My third shout-out goes to Bethany Mota. A DIY lover, a dancer, and vlogger. She is very appealing and does videos at all times. She does day in life videos, what she is doing, routines and DIYs. She doesn't vlog daily but her vlog always get posted on time.


4th Shout-Out

My fourth shout-out goes to a teenager who opened up a viral channel named  "Sara's beauty Corner". It has over 110,847,649 views. It has been running from 2012. She has DIYs, make up, day in life, routines, and nail art. She is a very successful teenager.


5th Shout-Out

My fifth shout-out goes to Emily-Jade, a SAK's channel critic. She also has her own channel. It has been running since 2013 and she has over 6,185,430 views. She shoots all types of videos. Her life motto is "Life holds a special magic for those who dare to dream". She has a passion for fashion, editing and filming.


These are the 5 most famous vloggers, 3 adult super famous vloggers, and 2 teen vloggers

Friday, September 4, 2015

Autumn ; /fashion, season ext.../

                             Welcome to theWatchFilter
What is Autumn?

Change in google, clothes, make up looks, backgrounds. So much difference. It is only a few days a ways so let us get prepared.

See, I wasn't lying about google

Fall Fashion 2015


Autumn Make up LOOks 2015


Autumn Food

Tumblr Pictures

Welcome to theWatchFilter


Please comment which picture is your favorite and share on            Google Plus, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and +1 on g plus

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Welcome to My Blog

I will be posting daily on theWatchFilter.

Let me do a fun welcome .......

I will be posting cooking ideas, what i am liking, DIYs, and more fun stuff.
